Essay, Research Paper: 1984 By George Orwell

Literature: George Orwell

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We are introduced to Winston Smith the main character of the story. Works at
Ministry of truth. Ministry of truth is one of four government buildings in
destroyed London, the main city of Airstrip One, a province of Oceania. Year is
1984 and three countries are at war, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Oceania is
run by the party whose leader is Big Brother. Winston is sick of his life in the
ruined city and decides to keep a diary. This is against the law in Oceania. He
felt his feelings begin to hate Emmanuel Goldstein, leader of the enemy party.
He also spots O'Brien, a party leader whose eyes he see's a bit of political
sympthy. See's young girl who he dislikes. He feels it is only a matter of time
before his though crimes are detected. A knock at the door he thinks is police.
Mrs. Parsons, his neighbor is at the door and asked him to unclog a sink. He
does it but smells sweat all over the apartment. Mrs. Parsons is a follower of
party doctrine and a fellow employee at the ministry. The children are members
of Spies, a youth that encourages spying and telling on traitors, including
parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and writes a couple more minutes
before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where O'Brien tole him he would
meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands and hides the
diary Reaction Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown
how the earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to
the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the
computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understand,
it has not really changed much over time. Seems like nothing left after nuclear
war, just ruins remaining. We are introduced to Tom Parsons which Winston is
contrasted with. The city is very drab. Quotes "Big brother is watching
you, the caption beneath it said" "Thoughtcrime was not a thing that
could be concealed for ever." 1984 -George Orwell MONDAY, NOV 15, 1993
Summary Chapter 3,4 and 5 Waking from dreams, he remembers his mother and
sister, and can barely remember their disappearence and feels responsible for
there deaths. He has another dream where he is in the perfect countryside with
the girl he had noticed eariler. He dreamed she stripped for him. This time he
is woken up by the telescreen, telling him to do his exercises. He thinks about
how much power the Party has over all information. Begins work at the ministry
of truth. His job is to correct printed articles in line with the Party's
orders. The Ministry and records department jobs are to rewrite history to make
the party look good. They get a break because of the 2 minute hate. When he gets
back he replaces a speech by Big Brother with invented history. Makes up story
about a man named Ogilvy. The article had become contrary to the present party
policy. It is replaced as though is never existed. Winston meets Syme, a
philologist, for lunch. Syme explains parts about Newspeak. They are joined by
Parsons. Winston thinks of the fate that each co-worker will recieve. Syme will
be vapourized because he is to smart, where Parsons is dull enough to escape
vapourization. He is the only one who has not been taken over by the propaganda
that is always being brodcast. He notices the same girl from the other day
starring at him and thinks it is the thought police. Reaction The Golden country
that he dreams about is definatly a release or a freedom from the the drabness
of London. Also from the party. We are introduced to the fact that he has no
mother or father or sisters or brothers anymore because they were taken by the
party. He is realizing that he is rebelling against the party and he understands
that he is at risk. Winston is in search of the truth and is concerned because
of the party's ability to change history. We find that he likes his work even
though it is for the party and against morals. He is introduced to the girl that
will play a big part in the book most likely. Quotes "People in the Records
Department did not talk readily about there jobs." "Winstons greatest
pleasure in life was his work" 1984 -George Orwell TUESDAY, NOV 16, 1993
Summary Chapter 6,7 and 8 He records in his diary and encounter a couple of
years ago with a prostiture mad up to look young, but was really and old woman.
This menory of the encounter causes him to think of the policy regarding sex and
marriage which the party has enforced. Thsi causes him to theink of his
miserable life with his wife Katherine, that he has not seen in eleven years.
Winston resents the intrusinon of the Party into the sex lives of its members.
Also realizes the discouragement of sexual enjoyment, that makes any love affair
with a party member impossible. Writing down the incident does not help him. He
makes another entry in his diary, this one concerning the proles. He feels they
are the only group that might overthrough the party, but they are unaware of it.
There is no way of finding the truth about the past but he does think that
present life is worse than the past. He remembers a photo that came into his
possession trying to change the pastbut he destroyed it. He plans to stay free.
After work one evening, he wonders into the prole end of London, and ends up
near the store where he bought the diary. Follows man into pub and plans to ask
him about revolution but man is incoherent. He leaves the pub and wanders. He
ends up outside the little antique shop and decides to buy a glass paperweight.
Mr. Charrington shows him a room upstairs and Winston dreams of renting it. He
notices a dark haired girl following himand he is sure it is the thought police
and he will be arrested. Reaction We discover that people have a bond when it
comes to sexuallity that the party connot control. Even thought the party
rejects sexual relationships between its members. Sexual experience is no longer
allowed in the society and Winston longs for one. He confesses in his Diary
about his last expereince but it does not help. We find he has faith in the
proles and there ability to revolt. It is hard to set up a revolt with the
thought police detecting every thought. Winston reaches a crises with the
thought police. Quotes "Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his
varicose ulcer" "Not a word could ever be proved or disproved"
1984 -George Orwell THURSDAY, NOV 18,1993 Summary Part 2, Chapter 1,2 and 3 At
work he runs into the dark haired girl again, in the hallway. She falls and
while he is lifting her up she slips him a note. He reads it at his desk and is
amazed to find that it simple states, I love you. Eager and excited to meat with
her, he has to wait 7 days until they eat together in the cafeteria. They decide
to meet in Victory square. When meeting there, they arrange another meeting next
sunday afternoon. At the designated meeting place, in the countryside outside
London, he finally learns her name. Julia explains that she considers herself
rebelious to the party. She has had sex with many other non-members. Suddenly he
walks into the scene exactly like his dreem. She removes her clothes and they
have sex. He belives that sexual desire may be the force that destroys the
party. Following there secret meeting they meet each othe occasionally. Julie
arranges the meetings. They go a month without seeing each other but whenever
they can before and after. She belives that she must pretend to cooperate with
the party and in secret break the rules whenever possible. Winston thinks that
rebellion is the best answer. They discuss past girl and boyfriends and how the
party controls them. Reaction He is ready for the Julia but is worried about a
possible trap. His negative approach to life and his sexual fustration make him
ready anyhow. Once he commits to her he connot go back and he is committing
though crimes. This may be the beginning of the end. He was happy to find that
she was not a virgin and had previous affairs. His idea of revolt is changed and
he now is enjoying being corrupted. Julia takes charge of the relationship,
showing her aggressivness. She does not believe in Winstons ideas on rebellion
and thinks that differently. Quotes "A sense of helplessness took hold of
Winston" "Between you and me, the antique trade's just about
finished" 1984 -George Orwell THURSDAY, NOV 18, 1993 Summary Chapter 4,5,6
and 7 Winston does rent the room above the antique show and realizes the
foolishness of what he and Julia are doing. She brings him coffee and real sugar
and real old-fashioned make-up. Julie tries to remember an old nursry rhyme,
while Winston immagines that he and Julia and the room itself were all closed in
like the paperweight. Many preperations for the upcoming hate week keep Winston,
Julia and the others very busy. Winston discovers that his friend Syme has
dissappeared and all records of him have been altered. Meanwhile, Parsons is
still busy and happy in the preperations for hate week. He was right about them.
Because of the increased work load he and Julia do not meet as much but in the
room above the antique shop they look at things from the past and other
forbidden things. They discuss the hopelessness of there private rebellion and
that it cannot go on forever. He is dissappointed that Julie does not reject
propaganda from the partyand her theroy that the party sends bombs on itself.
One day at work O'Brien gives Winston his address and asked him to stop by so
tha he can lend him an advance copy of the Newspeak dictionary. Winstonthinks
this is a conspiracy against the party and is excited but, thinks it will end in
touture and death. Winston dreams of his mother again and the hunger and awful
conditions there were before the disappearence. He feals bad for asking for
rationed food and stealing his sisters choclate. When he came back they were
gone. Winston tries to tell her but she is tired. He is glad him and her have
there own feeling toward each other. Reaction He rents room above the antique
shop showing his independence and his plunge into the end. He wishes the room
could be closed in like the paperweight. We find out how different the two main
characters are. The state does not care what kind of person you you are. Julia
understanding of the party is much better that Winston although she is nieve to
many things that the party does. Winston defines his rebellion in three steps,
first the thought then the word(Diary) then the act(Julia). O'Brien seems to be
a good man, also in rebellion. His mother was like him. Quotes "The timy
interior of the shop ws in fact uncomfortably full, but there was almost nothing
in it of the slightest value" "A sharp cry of pain was wrung out of
her" 1984 -George Orwell SATURDAY, NOV 20, 1993 Summary chapter 8,9 and 10
Winston takes Julia to the O'Briens apartment. He wonderes is O'Brien is also a
rebel because he finds him in front of the telescreen, hard at work. Over toast
he explains to Winston what is required of the secret rebel brotherhood. They
except the terms of the menbership except that they will never see each other
ever again. O'Brien promises to be given a copy of Emmanuel Goldstein's book,
secretly in the future. After a long week, of sorting through millions of
documents, changing them to prove that the Party's decision that Easstasia, and
not Eurasia, was the enemy that they have been fighting all along. He rushes
home to read the copy of the book. He reads while lying back and relaxing. Julia
falls asleep when he tries to read her sections of it. When they awake from
there sleep they start talking, but a voice issues from behind the picture on
the wall. It is a hidden telescreen which instructs them not to move. They are
rushed by armed guards. The Thought Police had been observing them all along.
Winston and Julia are violently seperated. Mr. Charrington enters the room
without his disquise, looking much younger. He is a menber of the thought
police. Reaction Winston thinks of O'Brein as a strong, unexcitable man. He is
dedicated and wholeheartyu to the brotherhood. Winston joins the brotherhood and
tells about his dreams. We understand about hate week a little more. Winston
reads the book that is given to him by O'Brien. Winston and Julia get arrested.
They find out that O'Brien was the enemy. There was a sorta feeling that O'Brien
was the bad guy, and they would get cought sonner or later. Quotes "He was
a bit early" "The lane widened, and in a minute he came to the
footpath she had told him of" 1984 -George Orwell SATURDAY, NOV 20, 1993
Summary Part 3 Chapter 1 and 2 Winston is being held prisoner in a large,
crowded cell at the Ministry of Love. Ampleforth and Parsons are both prisoners
also. Parsons was tured in by his own daughter for thoughtcrime. He feels
increased discomfort and room 101 is continually mentioned by several prisoners.
O'Brien enters the cell with a guard and Winston now realized he has been
betrayed by him. O'Brein is a member of the Inner Party. O'Brien orders the
guard to strike Winston who feels a great deal of pain on his elbow. Winston is
tortured both physically and mentally for an unknown length of time. He keeps
getting interrogated with beations and questions until he confesses to many
crimes. O'Brien reveals that he has been watching Winston for seven years.
O'Brein wants total rehab. from Winston. O'Brien explains why the party can
never be defeated. He has been informed that Julia quite easily betrayed him and
has now been released totally rehabilitated. Winstons questions about room 101
is not answered. Reaction Finally he is caught by the thought police, which was
inevidable since the beginning. He realizes that he has been betrayed by Julia
and O'Brien. But he says he would never betray her. All time is lost while he is
in jail. We is going to be rehabilitated and is taken to the dreded 101 for more
mind games. Winston does not crack, except that O'Brien gets him to believe is a
little crasy. Quotes "Listen the more men you have had the more I love
you" "We can come here once again" 1984 -George Orwell SUNDAY,
NOV 21, 1993 Summary Chapter 3 and 4 O'Brien tells Winston th esecond stage of
his rehab. is about to begin- understanding the why in party. He also tells
winston that he wrote sections of Goldstiens book. He says the Party rules for
the sake of power, and power alone. The proles will never revolt. O'Brein
questions him further and punishes him when he does not answer correctly.
Winston says he is morally superior to the Party, but O'Brien has a tape of the
conversation about what Winston was willing to do to join the brotherhood.
Winston thinks that the party will be defeated by a noble man, but O'Brien shows
Winston himself in the mirror. Winston weeps looking at his own aged and ghastly
body. He conforts himself by thinking about how he never betrayed Julia.
Winstons health is improving, and he is trying to accept the rightness of the
party. He examines the past events and realilizes the party was in control the
whole time. He realizes also that he party can make anything right if is wants
to. He has to practice doublethinking. He wakes up from a troubled sleep,
calling Julia's name. O'Brien enters his room and Winston confesses that he
still hates Big Brother. He is sent to room 101. Reaction He had also looked to
O'Brien for sanity and stength and kindness but now he sees what he really is a
power-hungry guy who likes infliction of pain. He finds out he has been watched
for 7 years. After being broken or cracked he still has the fact that he has not
turned against Julia. They completely destroyed Winston and he has now entered
the party. Quotes "Have you heard the rumours of the existance of the
brotherhood." "The brotherhood cannot be wiped out because it is not
an orgainization in the ordinary sense" "He was tired, but not sleepy
any longer" 1984 -George Orwell MONDAY, NOV 22, 1993 Summary Chapter 5 and
6 The torture room is brightly lit, room 101. O'Brien says that the room
contains the worst thing in the world. It turns out to be rats in a cage which
can be strapped over his face. Winston yells and screems and is overcome by the
horror and the terror. He screams that this punnishment should be given to Julia
and not him. O'Brien spares his life. Winston is then released. He is sitting
under a tree at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. He drinks very heavily now. He remembers
meeting Julia and how they talked about how they betrayed each other. The party
would not allow them to see each other, but neither felt anything anymore. He
remembers a game of his childhood but then it is pushed out by the broadcast
that comes on the telescreen. Eurasia is once again the enemy. His heart fills
with love for Big Brother. Reaction The party knows the worse nightmare of each
person and is ble to use that against them. It worked on Winston. Finnally he
gives in and the party has won. Quotes "He did not attempt to kiss her, nor
did they speek" "He loved Big Brother"
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